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Our community is made up of a diverse group of people from all walks of life, including seasoned investors, beginners, entrepreneurs, fund managers and everything in between. Here you will find their stories and reviews, our progress, and ways to connect.

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Hundreds of private investors are already powering our net zero future.

Carbon Equity ticked all the boxes for us: Immediate diversification in a lot of funds with a high level of impact and at the right fee. Carbon Equity has got the decarbonisation impact fund ecosystem covered and has access to all the funds. A smart choice.

Basile Aloy

CEO, Victrix

As a multi-family office, we’re always seeking investments that balance returns with responsibility. Carbon Equity’s annual climate tech- and climate infra funds provide exactly that—diversified access to top-tier opportunities in a high-growth sector, without the need for deep in-house expertise. Their seamless onboarding and reporting make it easy for us to manage these investments on behalf of our clients.

MFO De Rendtmeesters

At Independer, we helped millions of people find and arrange the best financial products. After Independer, I spent 5 years searching for the best impact opportunities. Now, Carbon Equity helps me find and arrange the best climate funds.

Edmond Hilhorst

Founder, Independer

Like many, I am fond of the luxuries of life but very aware of the consequences for our planet. Maintaining our wealth by developing innovative sustainable solutions is the best hope we have — and that's exactly what Carbon Equity does. It allows more individuals to play a pivotal role in accelerating climate tech companies.

Frans Haafkens

Founding Partner, i4hi

As a climate tech founder myself, I know the importance of investor capital for growth. Now as an investor, I provide growth and innovation capital to other climate companies. Carbon Equity's platform gives me access to climate tech on the frontier of change, plus they do all the diligence for me.

Aart van Veller

Founder, Vandebron

Reducing our carbon footprint has several pleasant side effects, like reducing air pollutants that harm human health. That is why I am excited to participate in the first Decarbonization Fund of Carbon Equity, with all efforts combined we will not only reduce the climate impact, but have a healthier place to live.

Ludy Holst

Owner, Van Lennep Kliniek

There is only 1 world and we have to be careful with that. You can only invest your money once, and you have to do it wisely. Through Carbon Equity these 2 elements come together: you invest your money in a way that can make the world a better place, through startups that work on the latest technology.

Niels van Deuren

Founder, Housing Anywhere

Carbon Equity is the solution for those who want to invest directly in groundbreaking climate start-ups, but don't have the time or inclination to figure everything out themselves.

Pepijn Vloemans


Carbon Equity offered the perfect solution, allowing me to enter into funds by pooling many individual commitments together. If you ask me, it's the solution for impact-driven retail climate investors.

Geoffroy de Cooman

Founder, ProxyClicks

Investing through Carbon Equity allows me to participate in climate companies that would otherwise be unreachable for me. Their team of experts and their funds' high diversification provide peace of mind to allocate my capital. This way, I can simultaneously maximize the ROI on my investment, financially and for climate impact.

Redeëet Negate

Director, Daybreak Ventures

There is no time left to act in preventing a full scale climate crisis. It is time to put your money where your mouth is and that is why I invest with Carbon Equity. Buying ESG shares only help shareholders, but does not fund the underlying companies to scale their technologies, whereas investing with Carbon Equity does.

Madelein Smit


Carbon Equity is the perfect platform for individuals to invest with impact supported by the most professional investment teams in the world. The Carbon Equity team is a young, high-energy team with total dedication to change our world, by using (our) capital as an enabler!

Theye Veen

Co-founder, SkyNRG

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A glimpse into our annual Climate Investing Drinks

Bringing people together

A glimpse into our annual Climate Investing Drinks

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Our impact expressed in assets under management and investor base

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Revolutie op je bord: Jaap Korteweg over het veranderen van de voedselindustrie
17:00 - 19:30

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The information on this website is not an official offer to buy or invest in the funds of Carbon Equity B.V. nor does it function as a prospectus for such investment. The information on this website should not be used or relied on for purposes of any contract with, commitment to or investment into funds managed by Carbon Equity B.V. or its affiliates. The information on this website might have legal, regulatory or other limitations in certain jurisdictions. Carbon Equity B.V. asks visitors who view this information to become familiar with and obey rules applicable to them. Carbon Equity B.V. does not accept liability for violation of such rules by anyone browsing this website, even if that person is considering investing.

Offering of funds managed by Carbon Equity B.V. will be available to potential investors via a separate and dedicated account environment, which is clearly indicated as such. Investors should take note that investments are offered in a limited number of accepted jurisdictions and only to certain types of (primarily professional or semi-professional) investors. Investors will be required to commit to an initial investment of at least EUR 100,000 (or higher, as the case may be), unless an exemption applies.

Carbon Equity B.V. will act as the Alternative Investment Fund Manager (AIFM) of its funds and it is fully licensed pursuant to article 2:65 of the Dutch Financial Supervision Act (Wet op het financieel toezicht). Carbon Equity B.V. and the funds it manages are subject to supervision by the Authority for the Financial Markets (Autoriteit Financiële Markten) in the Netherlands. Carbon Equity B.V. is registered with the Authority for the Financial Markets with registration number 15005329. The license allows Carbon Equity B.V. to manage investment funds which invest in one or more funds. Neither Carbon Equity B.V. nor the funds it manages are subject to regulatory supervision by any other regulatory authority than the Dutch Authority for the Financial Markets.

Carbon Equity B.V. does not offer investment advice. Nothing here or elsewhere should be seen as a recommendation for any investment in any security. The fund documents, available via our dedicated account environment, outline potential risks, charges, and expenses. Please review these risk warnings and disclosures carefully. Investments into private equity are speculative and risky. The value of investments can vary over time. Investments into private equity have a long horizon (exceeding 10 years) with no or limited liquidity. If you cannot afford to potentially lose your full investment, it is best not to invest. Past performance does not guarantee future returns. Investing in a private equity fund is not comparable to a deposit with a bank."