Meet our investors
Delve into investment journeys, uncover the driving forces for starting with climate fund investing and hear their honest reviews about their experiences with Carbon Equity.
Become part of the solution
Hundreds of private investors are already powering our net zero future.

Basile Aloy
CEO, Victrix

MFO De Rendtmeesters

Edmond Hilhorst
Founder, Independer
Frans Haafkens
Founding Partner, i4hi

Aart van Veller
Founder, Vandebron

Ludy Holst
Owner, Van Lennep Kliniek

Niels van Deuren
Founder, Housing Anywhere

Pepijn Vloemans

Geoffroy de Cooman
Founder, ProxyClicks

Redeëet Negate
Director, Daybreak Ventures

Madelein Smit

Theye Veen
Co-founder, SkyNRG
Bringing people together
A glimpse into our annual Climate Investing Drinks
The numbers
Our impact expressed in assets under management and investor base

Meet the managers
Find out what makes them tick