
System Enablers

Next to transforming products and production processes away from fossil fuels, we also need the right data and financial structures to help these novel technologies scale. For example, you can’t manage what you can’t measure, which is why carbon data and accounting software are critical for companies that want to lower their carbon footprint.

Also, we need a lot more capital to get to net zero: we need to scale up both public and private investments in climate and nature and extend economic and financial inclusion to underserved and marginalized groups to ensure that everyone can benefit from the transition. In all of this, digital climate tech can help.

Next to transforming products and production processes away from fossil fuels, we also need the right data and financial structures to help these novel technologies scale. For example, you can’t manage what you can’t measure, which is why carbon data and accounting software are critical for companies that want to lower their carbon footprint.

Also, we need a lot more capital to get to net zero: we need to scale up both public and private investments in climate and nature and extend economic and financial inclusion to underserved and marginalized groups to ensure that everyone can benefit from the transition. In all of this, digital climate tech can help.

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Sub-challenge 1

Greenhouse gas (GHG) data

Accurate and comprehensive data on GHG emissions is crucial for identifying the primary drivers of a company’s or product’s carbon footprint, and monitoring progress towards achieving emissions reduction targets. However, the reliability of corporate GHG data, especially regarding supply chain emissions, is often questionable, leading to underestimations of actual emissions. This inconsistency hampers the development of effective strategies, wasting resources and failing to address climate change adequately.

01 Carbon Accounting

An increasing number of startups and organizations are dedicated to enhancing the precision of GHG emissions data, including within corporate supply chains. This effort is crucial for enabling companies to pinpoint areas with significant emission reduction potential. 
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02 Decarbonization advisory

Having accurate data is crucial, but acting on this data to decarbonize is the next step. Decarbonization advisories can help companies assess current operations and develop actionable plans to reach their goals. They can also measure the effectiveness of policies and initiatives, track progress, manage reporting, and ultimately lower the barriers companies face when attempting to decarbonize.
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Sub-challenge 2

Financing the transition

Global energy transition investment hit $1.7 trillion in 2023. However, to keep the 1.5°C pathway, it needs to exceed $5 trillion by 2030. Leaders in both the public and private sectors are needed to shift the financial system in the direction of the energy transition, restrict fossil fuel investments, and ensure the green economy is fair by reflecting equity considerations and financial inclusion.

01 Investment solutions

The private sector contributes to approximately two-thirds of economic activity, and its capital investment is crucial to achieving a zero-carbon, sustainable economy. As of 2024, 675+ institutional investors, together representing over $80 trillion in assets under management, have committed to net zero. Still, global private climate financial flows need to increase from the current $685 billion per year to a minimum of $2.6 trillion per year by 2030.* To do this, they need the right data and tools. The private sector has started seizing this opportunity. Companies are investing in low-carbon technologies, while investors are offering more affordable financing and broadening access to the private markets that facilitate such investments.

02 Payment solutions

Ensuring universal energy access and eradicating energy poverty are crucial components of a successful clean energy transition, aligning with the promotion of basic human rights. This transition should improve energy affordability for all, particularly low-income households. A number of startups are making strides in this area, reducing energy bills for low-income households and expanding access to clean energy, thus demonstrating the synergistic potential between clean energy promotion and innovative payment solutions.
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